Auto detailing is a very precise art that needs to be carried out with care. If you aren’t entirely familiar with auto detailing, it is the act of cleaning a car inside and out. We’re not just talking about a quick buff and vacuum job, we’re talking about returning the cart to its original state, as in right off the line. That’s a chore in and of itself, and if you’re going to pull it off, then you’re going to need to use an auto carpet shampooer.
Taking Cleaning to the Next Level
Once you have the car entirely cleaned out and vacuumed, you’ll have to take your cleaning to the next level by using auto detailing equipment, including a carpet shampooer. Before we go any further, let’s discuss why you need a carpet shampooer, and we’ll start by discussing just how dirty a carpet can become.
Taking Cleaning to the Next Level
Once you have the car entirely cleaned out and vacuumed, you’ll have to take your cleaning to the next level by using auto detailing equipment, including a carpet shampooer. Before we go any further, let’s discuss why you need a carpet shampooer, and we’ll start by discussing just how dirty a carpet can become.

You might try to keep your car completely clean – some people go to extraordinary lengths to accomplish that, but it doesn’t always go as planned, and with good reason. Each and every time you step into your vehicle, you are bringing in dirt and bacteria from the outside, and if it’s dirt, you have an even bigger problem on your hands. Dirt acts as an adhesive and easily sticks to the fibers of your carpet, and there is a good chance you won’t even notice it. Honestly, how often do you look at the carpets in your vehicle? Will you even notice them changing color over time? Most people don’t, and this is why they’re absolutely shocked when they find it growing ten shades lighter the next time they actually use a car steam cleaner or equivalent.
Dirt grinds into the carpet and becomes lodged in the fibers, which, by nature, are porous. Over time you accumulate more and more dirt, which leads to serious problems for the riders in your vehicles. Not only is it unsanitary, it can lead to allergic reactions, which is precisely why you want to address the problem sooner rather than later.
How a Carpet Cleaner Can Help
Professional car detailing equipment is an absolute must for a few reasons. First of all, a carpet shampooer is capable of forcing hot water and cleaning solvent into the carpet fibers, loosening the dirt and allowing the machine to suck it back up, along with the water and solvent. The same, of course, could be said for a steam cleaner as you will be able to force hot water vapor into the fibers and loosen the dirt in the same manner. This, however, is known as a dry cleaning method.

Upholstery Cleaning
For upholstery, it is often recommended that you make use of a car steam cleaner rather than a shampooer for a few reasons. First of all, car seats are a little more absorbent than carpets, and are therefore a bit more difficult to get dry once the cleaning has been completed. In addition to that, many cars utilize leather seats which should never be exposed to water as they could easily dry out or even crack. Steam cleaning, on the other hand, uses vaporized water (steam) which is immediately returned to the device. This minimizes the amount of time that the seats are exposed to moisture, and makes cleaning them much more possible.
As you can see, there are lots of things to consider when it comes to auto detailing, but a good steam cleaner and a carpet shampooer can really go a long way toward helping you get it done. When you are working as a car detailer, quite frankly, even though it sounds a little cliché, detail is everything – absolutely everything. A good steam cleaner will give you the upper hand in the business, and most importantly, it will allow you to return vehicles to that pristine factory look that so many long for.
Take a look at all of the different professional car detailing equipment on the market and decide what will work best for you. Some professionals use both a shampooer and a steam cleaner while some will only use one of these. Decide on your style and start cleaning.